At HTC, we’re keen for you to feel like you’re part of our church and for you to settle in as quickly as possible.
We have a number of different groups in the life of our church which you can join and get to know others in our community.
The aim of Deep Roots is to help you grow deep roots as you seek to bear fruit for Jesus. You’ll join a Connect Group right from the start, led by a leader. In your group you’ll enjoy meals together, have uplifting worship and prayer, and engage in thought-provoking talks and discussions on some of life's biggest faith-related questions. There will be plenty of time to break out in your groups, build deep relationships, and have meaningful discussions. Dinner included.
Connect Groups are midweek small groups where we are enabled to grow as we connect to God and with each other, as well as look outward in service and mission. If you are new to HTC, the main way to be directed into a Connect Group is through joining the Wilberforce Course, but for more information about Connect Groups (online or in person), click the button below.
Sports and Social
Throughout the week
Clapham Saints is our sports and social outreach at HTC with groups based around an activity or a sport. All are run by members of our church family. Everyone is welcome to join.
Our HT Seniors Afternoon Tea is our ministry to the elderly in our congregation and community. We meet once a month and have a variety of activities or talks of interest.
Professional-specific networking groups that meet about once per term to support and pray for others at HTC who work in similar fields.