Thank you for faithfully giving to the work of Holy Trinity Clapham.
Your financial contributions enable us to run of all our Sunday services, our discipleship courses and outreach ministries. We could not do this without you and we are so grateful for your generosity and support. The information below explains how you can give financially and the difference your giving makes. If you would like to give to Revitalise 250 the same options apply, just make a reference to the project name. To see a summary of the financial need that Jago outlined during our “Unbelievable?” vision sermon series recently, click here or see below.
Options For Giving
Give Now - Online Giving
If you are not yet a regular giver, the easiest way to start giving to the work and life of the church is to use our online giving system.
To access this, please click the ‘Give Now’ button above. You can give either to the Church or to our building project, Revitalise 250. You can set up a regular donation or give a one off amount.
If you are a U.K. tax payer please consider ticking the Gift Aid declaration box to help your gift go even further.
Pledge Now - Standing Order
If you would like to start giving by standing order or amend your existing standing order, please let us know by clicking the ‘Pledge Now’ button and filling in a very short form. You can then set up or amend your standing order through your online banking platform, using HTC’s bank account details:
Holy Trinity Clapham Church’s bank details are:
Sort code 60-05-34
Account number 56151721
Account name: Holy Trinity Church
Please state ‘Giving’ or ‘Revitalise 250’ as a reference.
Give at One of Our Sunday Services
If you would like to give at one of our Sunday services, you can do so by using the GOODBOXES in the foyer for contactless giving. You can also use the yellow/white envelopes which are available at the back of church. The service hosts will be able to direct you to these giving methods.
Payroll Giving via Your Employer
Many employers offer Payroll Giving which allows you to give directly to HTC from your salary before tax is deducted. To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office.
Give via Charitable Aid Agency
You may wish to give to HTC via a charitable aid agency such as Stewardship, CAF, Charities Trust, or Charitable Giving. These agencies are useful for those who give to multiple charities and wish to have their giving recorded in one place or for those who wish to give anonymously to HTC.
Gift Aid
If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the UK, we can claim back 25p on every £1 you donate through the Gift Aid scheme. To permit us to do this, please complete this Gift Aid Declaration.
If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can personally claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation (25%). You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return, or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code.
Our Financial Need 2024-25
For 2025, we have wanted to keep our regular church budget as tight as we can. This has meant that next year’s budget is £1.4m which is an increase of 5% on this year. That increase is largely because of a few staff changes, including for example the addition of the expenditure of the evangelist role, along with increased food costs at places like Breakfast Club and Alpha where we don’t charge, and the number of people coming to those ministries has been growing.
In addition, our Revitalise 250 building project costs £6.2m. The building phase begins in October 2024. We have nearly got all the money accounted for, and we are very grateful for this. However, we still have £500k unaccounted for (as well as needing to pay back £1m pounds of congregational loans).
We would therefore love to encourage you to think of increasing your giving by 5% if you currently give to HTC. If you don’t yet give financially, please would you set up regular giving to HTC. 10% of your income is a good guide, but please just give whatever you feel able to give. If you are able to give a lump sum to R250 or a regular monthly amount in addition to your general giving to HTC, then that would be amazing.
However much you could give – big or small – we would be so grateful.
Jago and Susannah Wynne

Contact Us
By phone: 020 7627 0941
By email: bookkeeper@holytrinityclapham.org
By post: Katie Colahan, Trinity House Clapham, 31-33 Bromell’s Road, Clapham, London, SW4 0BN