We’ve partnered with some great churches and Christian organisations both locally and further afield. Partnering means we support these organisations financially and in prayer.
Church Plants and Partnerships
HTC is a resourcing church in Southwark diocese. This means we have a vision to plant and support other churches in South London in line with the Church of England’s strategy for growth and revitalisation. We are also part of the HTB network of churches in the UK.
St. Peter’s Vauxhall was a church plant from HTC in 2019. Led by Michael and Emma John, a group of about 25-30 people were sent out from HTC to St. Peter’s. An afternoon service was launched in addition to the existing morning service, and since then the church has continued to grow and flourish.
All Saints Clapham Park is a lively community church situated off Brixton Hill, near Brixton prison. Jago is the “Priest-in-Charge” of the church, and HTC support the church by providing the Parish Missioner (Sasha Gerry) who is the leader of the church on the ground, along with further staff support in the form of Charlene Kelly as Mission Enabler. We sent a group of people from HTC to the church as a small renewal team in 2018, and offer ongoing support as well.
St Mark’s is a warm-hearted, multi-cultural worshipping community in the heart of Mitcham. In September 2024, our Curate Ed Veale will be leading a group from HTC to join the church family there - as St Mark’s seeks to hold out the love of Jesus to the people of Mitcham.
HTC is part of Churches Together in Clapham which in turn is part of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the umbrella organisation helping to bring these Christian churches together under Christian unity. There are various meetings and services throughout the year, and a number of local projects that CTiC support. Members of HTC are part of the Standing Committee.
Mission Partners
HTC looks to honour our legacy of mission, supporting gospel work locally and internationally, including Christian social justice. Our Mission Committee prayerfully and deliberately enters into meaningful two-way relationships with organisations with whom we share common values and can support financially, relationally and prayerfully.
IJM is a global organization that protects the poor from violence and the effects of human trafficking in the developing world. Their focus is on rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors and strengthening justice systems. Our focus is on supporting IJM Ghana: This beautiful project is helping rescue children from forced labour slavery on Lake Volta. There is also an incredible movement of the local church in Ghana, seeking justice in their local communities.
Find out more - ijm.org
CMS was started in 1799 by members of HTC including Wilberforce, Thornton and the then Rector, John Venn. CMS works with a vision to see all God’s people engaged in mission, bringing challenge, change, hope and freedom to the world.
Find out more at churchmissionsociety.org
FAST London is a Christian inspired youth charity that creates positive relationships and safe spaces where young people can develop trust, build resilience and find hope for the future. Operating from the heart of the Patmore Estate (next to the Battersea Power Station), FAST have created a community where young people experience a strong sense of belonging led by committed and trusted staff and volunteers. Our mission is to journey in diversionary and inspiring activities to help young people explore their potential whilst keeping them in school and out of gangs and criminality. We are always open to having volunteers support our mission!
Find our more at fastlondon.co.uk/
Options Pregnancy Resource Centre CIO is a Christian charity founded in 2006. Our own experience of God’s love and mercy gives us compassion for others in need of support when facing overwhelming circumstances and loss through pregnancy. We provide free, confidential, non-directive support for all issues related to pregnancy, including unplanned pregnancy, bereavement after miscarriage or stillbirth, and difficult feelings after a pregnancy termination (abortion).
Find or more at optionslondon.org
Established by William Wilberforce and a group from HTC in 1804, the Bible Society has been one of our longest running partners, founded to make the Bible available throughout the world. Globally, we now work through the fellowship of United Bible Societies in supporting the translation and distribution of the Scriptures; our particular focus is on China, the Middle East and some of the most challenging regions of Africa.
More recently, we've pivoted to focus also on our national needs. We want to mobilise the Church for domestic mission, grow catalysing leaders who can operate in different cultural spheres and engage people who are spiritually open. Our goal is to see Christians confident in the Scriptures, a changed conversation about the Bible in wider culture, and the transformative embodiment of the Bible in the world. In line with this vision, HTC is supporting the work of the Bible Society in Brixton Prison, helping to support a Bible course developed for prisoners local to us in South London
Find out more at biblesociety.org.uk
Azalea is a Christian charity based in Luton which offers support and care for all caught in sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Given the complexity of the challenges facing these men and women, we run three core projects: Encompass working with women; Flint working with sex buyers to end demand and LASE (Luton Against Sexual Exploitation) working with the community. through which we build relationships, offer mentoring and support, encourage good choices, and journey alongside them towards walking free. A journey with Encompass starts with Engage providing street Outreach and a Drop-in; then moves on to Build which offers one to one Intervention and Exit support and finally, Flourish, which supports women to fully exit exploitation and addiction and gain the skills they need to live safely in the community.
Find out more at azalea.org.uk
Local Partners
HTC desires to be an active part of the ongoing revitalisation of our surrounding community. As such, we partner with several local Christian organisations in and around Clapham.
HTC is part of Love Your Neighbour, a national movement supporting churches to provide practical care and hope for the most vulnerable in our communities. What started as an emergency food bank in London as a response to the Covid-19 crisis, has quickly evolved into a network of thousands of churches and other local organisations delivering over 7.5 million crisis meals, debt advice, employment support and other provision to help people most in need.
We believe that as we work together, we can see every community resourced, equipped and inspired to love their neighbour and see lives transformed across the UK
HTC has formed a community hub with Ace of Clubs, Robes homeless project and the South London Refugee Association.
South London Refugee Association
Each year SLRA provide specialist advice and support to around 1500 migrants who are in crisis or at risk, staying alongside them as they settle and begin to thrive. HTC has partnered with SLRA in 2020 to help provide them with extra funding to meet the growing needs of their clients during the pandemic.
Royal Trinity Hospice is in our parish and provides skilled, compassionate care and support to people with progressive, life-limiting illnesses and those close to them. It supports people living in central and south west London community, at home and at the hospice. Care is centred on the unique needs of each individual. Services are provided free of charge to patients and their families. Trinity has been providing this vital support for 125 years - caring for 1,500 people in 2015.
HTC administers the Lambeth foodbank fund to the four main foodbanks in Lambeth and six smaller charities working in the area of food poverty. The fund was set up by local residents Will Straw and Emily Wallace and has raised over £80,000 since April 2020 .
The Robes Project, founded in 2007, is a temporary winter night shelter which runs every night from November to April for up to 20 guests each night. In 2015-16, 20 church venues with over 500 volunteers from 24 churches. provided food, shelter and support for a total of 45 guests who would otherwise have been sleeping rough. 19 of those guests were helped to move off the streets into permanent accommodation. Many of the church family help with the project, as individuals, or as whole Connect Groups serving together.
HTC is part of the Welcome Directory. We are a faith community who wants to welcome people as they come out of prison and become reintegrated into the local community.
Ace of Clubs is a family-like community providing transformative support for those who are homeless, vulnerable and otherwise marginalised in the local area. At their centre on St Alphonsus Road, Ace of Clubs provide for the immediate needs of those in desperate circumstances with safe shelter, food, warmth, clothing, laundry, showers and advice.
Macaulay C of E School and Nursery
Jago Wynne, rector of HTC, is ex-officio on the Governing Body and Foundation Governors are appointed by the PCC. In addition, in 2021, HTC is supporting Macaulays partnership with Fegans Counselling to support the needs of their pupils during the COVID pandemic.
The school's close links with HTC include the HTC Kids team leading assemblies, trips to the church and church staff leading some one off lessons. Many of the children also take part in holiday clubs, after school events and homework club!