Pastoral Care

Find out how we can best look out for each other and get help when we need it.

  By far the best way to be supported is in a Connect Group.

Click here to find out more about how they work and where they meet, and sign up to try a Connect Group.

We want to be clear on how we as people in the church family can receive pastoral support. Here is a diagram of pastoral support for a member of HTC. If you would like to find out more, please speak to your Connect Group leader.

You can always receive prayer at the end of a Sunday service. Find out more ways below to receive support when you need it.

Pyramid of Pastoral Support for HTC members

Sunday Team

The Sunday team at HTC are also here to help if you need to speak to or pray about anything confidentially, please speak to or get in touch with one of our service pastors below in person, by phone or email.

Jago and Susannah Wynne

Felix Stevenson

Josh Moxon
Oversight of Sundays

Morning Service Pastors

Ed Veale

Jamie Mulvaney
Associate Minister

Zim Okoli

Sarah Seabrook
Discipleship Pastor

Evening Service Pastors

You can always receive prayer at the end of a Sunday service. Find out more ways below to receive support when you need it.

Rosie Jones
Outreach Minister

Pastoral Care Resources


We partner with the charity Heart and Mind to provide confidential, means-tested counselling on-site  at Trinity House Clapham.
Find out more at: