
Luke Sarah Seabrook Luke Sarah Seabrook

No One Like Jesus: The place of doubt in faith

On Sunday Sarah Seabrook spoke on Luke 7: on how doubt isn’t the opposite of faith and how that doubt is a normal part of our Christian experience. Jesus calls us to trust Him and says “Blessed is the one who does not stumble on account of me”.

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Luke Tim Jones Luke Tim Jones

No One Like Jesus: Humble faith in an awesome God

On Sunday Sarah Seabrook spoke on Luke 7: on how doubt isn’t the opposite of faith and how that doubt is a normal part of our Christian experience. Jesus calls us to trust Him and says “Blessed is the one who does not stumble on account of me”.

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Luke Jamie Mulvaney Luke Jamie Mulvaney

Food for the Soul: A Meal of Salvation

On Sunday morning we continued our series on Food for the Soul, this week looking at A Meal of Salvation. Jamie Mulvaney spoke from Luke 22:7-38 on the Last Supper and how it is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet.

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Luke Sarah Seabrook Luke Sarah Seabrook

Food for the Soul: A Meal of Mission

On Sunday Sarah Seabrook spoke on Luke 14:1-24 about the Parable of the Great Banquet. Sarah spoke about practical ways we can invite others to share a meal and be part of God’s banquet.

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Luke Ed Veale Luke Ed Veale

Food for the Soul: A Meal of Integrity

On Sunday Ed Veale spoke on Luke 11:37-54 about Jesus eating a meal with the Pharisees and how Jesus is the one who makes us clean from the inside, not any rules or regulations that we observe or through human effort.

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