
Matthew Sarah Seabrook Matthew Sarah Seabrook

God at Work: God and His Work

On Sunday morning at the 11.15am, Sarah Seabrook spoke on Matthew 7:21-29 and how God's work in us together with our participation can help establish a stronger foundation for life.

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Matthew Jago Wynne Matthew Jago Wynne

Coronation Sunday

On Coronation Sunday on the day after King Charles III was crowned, Jago Wynne spoke on Matthew 21:1-11 on how Jesus is a king who serves and a king who sacrifices himself for us and asks how we will respond to this.

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Matthew Bonnie Collington Matthew Bonnie Collington

The Great Commission: With you always (5.30pm)

On Sunday evening Bonnie Collington concluded our series on the Great Commission, speaking on Matthew 28:16-20. Bonnie looked at how, with the command to go and make disciples comes the promise that Jesus is with us always to the end of the age.

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Matthew Tim Jones Matthew Tim Jones

The Great Commission: Therefore Go

On Sunday Tim Jones spoke on Matthew 28:19-20 as we began a new series on the Great Commission. Tim spoke on the phrase "therefore go and make disciples" with an emphasis on telling, teaching and tending.

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Matthew Tim Jones Matthew Tim Jones

Easter Sunday (evening)

On Easter Sunday evening Tim Jones spoke from Luke's account of the resurrection, and what Easter really is all about. He considers what the apostle Peter realised Jesus' resurrection meant, and what it means for us today.

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Matthew Felix Stevenson Matthew Felix Stevenson

Easter Sunday (morning)

On Easter Sunday morning Felix Stevenson spoke from Matthew 28:1-10 on the reality of the resurrection story and how it is good news for each one of us with the hope of new life.

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